Good communication is key and needs excellent organization

Good communication is key and needs excellent organization

Good communication is key and needs excellent organization

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08 December 2021

The role of communication is important in themes as climate change, COVID 19 and the future of Europe. Connecting with people needs a better communication and dialogue from the governments in Europe.

We discussed these matters during the meeting of the Club of Venice, an informal network of communication managers throughout Europe in Venice.


In this meeting Robert Wester presented the results of a quick scan on capability and capacity building which has been conducted over the last months among the members of the club. 20 countries participated. Participants indicate that they expect an increase in communication activities, budget and size of their teams in the coming years. Data driven strategies, low trust society and fake news are issues that they perceive to impact their organizations most.

European agenda

The club of Venice concluded that capacity building and organization of communication should be higher on the European agenda and they will develop an action plan to work on that in the coming years. For more information you can read the survey here.

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