Energy transition: our working field |

Working field

Energy transition

We actively contribute to the realisation of climate goals by providing insight into the options for becoming more climate-neutral and setting out the consequences of such decisions.
Eva, consultant enery transition, looks into the camera

Our greenhouse gas emissions in the Netherlands will be 49% less in 2030 than they were in 1990. Government and semi-government bodies have been tasked with realising this energy transition, working together with energy suppliers, network operators, sector organisations, the commercial sector and society. All the parties involved in this complex transition are searching for their role and how they can contribute to creating a climate-neutral society.

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How we work

Working together to accelerate the energy transition

We can help with achieving climate goals. By providing insight into the options available for becoming more climate-neutral and setting out their consequences for energy, technology and the economy. We advise government authorities on policy and organisations on the strategy to adopt. Either to make an active contribution to the sustainability goals or to anticipate change. In all of this the focus is on effective cooperation between all the parties involved, something which is vital to achieving often ambitious goals.

Our knowledge of how the energy system works is unparalleled. We combine this knowledge with our wide experience in developing successful strategies and supporting processes in complex political and administrative contexts, as well as public-private partnerships. Our skilled project managers can also provide support with the implementation of projects and campaigns where necessary. We can put together a suitable team based on the nature of your request.

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